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dancing blossom studio - extending the life of your wedding bouquet.

We are so honoured this month to have sustainable florist Vanessa Reynolds from Dancing Blossom Studio write for us!

A fellow vendor on Less Stuff More Meaning, Vanessa has designed Eco-Stylist Faye De Lanty's Bridal Bouquets, featured on the Today Show and the Daily Mail.

Vanessa and I connected via Instagram and instantly got chatting about our mutual passion for and efforts towards sustainable floristry.

Vanessa has motivated me, been a fantastic sounding board and is a beautiful soul to boot. She is located in the Hunter Valley in Australia.

Read on for her piece on extending the life of your wedding bouquet - Botanical Bundles.

botanical bundles, dancing blossom, vanessa reynolds, floral and herb incense

From Bridal Bouquet To Dried Botanical Bundles

Weddings are love-filled celebrations, and sadly often associated with over consumption and waste, all at the cost of environmental damage.

The idea of intentionally designed bouquets and arrangements can add some extra special meaning for the couple, while looking out for the environment, is something that gets me so excited!

As a conceptual artist and florist, I love being part of creating a story through flowers. I grew up among garden lovers and creators, so to honour the gardens and gardeners in other families; I like to understand the story behind a couple’s personalities and experiences with the nature.

There are so many ways to do this, and one of my favorites is to create designs with materials that can be propagated, dried or reused and as a last resort be composted. When it comes to creating bridal bouquets, it is possible and incredibly beautiful, to create them in a way that the love they give, goes beyond the wedding day.

These are some plants that I grow and love to use in bouquets that can later be dried for floral and herb incense sticks:

Rosemary - Protection and purification

Roses - Love, protection and opening of the heart

Lavender - Love, healing, sleep and calming

Sage – Purification, clearing negative energy

Thyme - Healing, love and purification

Yarrow - Love and courage

Explore your surrounds and experiment! Collect the plants with respect, love and gratitude to the plant and Creator for providing these sacred gifts for us to use. I’m a huge believer in that the plants that grow around us naturally are here to teach and serve us. And in return, we are here to return the gift of blessing them with love and protection.

Once you’ve celebrated your big day, get your bridal party crew together and turn your bouquets into your own botanical bundles. Or use as gifts, post wedding for your bridal party, family or friends. When you use plants with healing properties, they smell amazing when they’re dry and ready for your intention setting ritual. You could even dry them to use in a love-filled celebration for your one-year anniversary.

There’s lots of inspiration available in nature, and conversations with others on a similar journey, I encourage you to explore and see what feels comfortable for you.

To avoid over consumption and waste, it’s good to work with wedding vendors who share your same value for honouring the natural environment, so that your special day is filled with the energies of love and respect for each other, your community and the environment.

Follow Vanessa Reynolds of Dancing Blossom Studio as she pushes the boundaries of sustainable floristry in the Hunter Valley and surrounds.

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